Event Drop & After Care

What is Event Drop?

Our brains have a base level expectation of happiness that helps determine our mood. If we exceed that level, we find ourselves to be happy, and if we fall below those levels, we tend to be sad. When you go on multiday vacations like Pride at The Dragon, your brain’s baseline expectation of happiness climbs.

When you go back to regular life, your happiness hormones fall back to their regular levels. Since your brain still expects those higher levels, it’s common to feel extra sad and depressed as your brain readjusts. This is called Event Drop, and it’s something that a lot of people go through.

To help you adjust, we put together some tips that can help you combat Event Drop, so that going back to real life doesn’t feel like such a drag.

Tip 1: Stay Hydrated!

Tip 2: Watch what you eat!

Tip 3: Talk about your Time

Tip 4: Be comfortable!

Tip 5: Spend time with Others

Tip 6: Get some rest!

Tip 7: Treat any injuries

Tip 8: Do something comforting

Tip 9: Exercise helps!

Tip 10: Check in with yourself