Do the Dam Thing - Group Photo on the Dam 7 PM


Group photo on the Dam. Don’t miss out on cementing your place in the history of this event! Please see event details for instructions for lining up for the photo.

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The group will take off from the Fontana General Store. If any cars want to be grouped together in the photo, now is the time to pull out together. There is also room to get together in the parking lots off to the right or left before you reach the dam. There will be no space to do this on the dam or beyond.

From the General Store, the group will drive to and across the dam and into the parking lot to the left at the end. This lot is a roundabout. We will need to move quickly from this point in order to avoid blocking the dam for too long. The lead car will go around the lot, and others will follow them back out of the lot and onto the dam. Line up in the right hand lane until all cars in the left have made it into the lot, after which cars may also start to fill in the left lane. Once all of the cars are lined up and stopped, the drones and photographers will do their work. Feel free to mill about or pose with your car, however, we will only spend a maximum of 5 minutes on the dam once photos commence. For this reason, please do not wander too far from your cars so that we can roll out in a timely and organized manner.

The Gaymmittee will be guiding all of this via radios to make it easy for everyone to get where they need to be. We look forward to capturing another year of travel and fun with you at this amazing venue.

Dollywood Dreams - 8:30 AM
Sold Out
Road to Nowhere Drive
Cherohala Skyway
Club PATD - 8pm - 11:00pm